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What GCSEs Do I Need for Vet School?


Updated: Feb 24, 2021

You may have received your GCSE results and be wondering which vet schools you would be able to apply to, or you might just be curious at this stage as to what grades you’ll need to aim for when you take the exams - either way, we’re here to help!

Overall GCSE Advice

GCSE grades are definitely taken into consideration by vet schools, not just as an entity in themselves, but also in terms of your predicted A Level grades. Study hard, and a good set of GCSE results will serve you well when you apply to vet school! A Levels (or equivalent) form your conditional offer and so are in many ways the most important exam you will take, but remember that your GCSEs can give you a great leg-up in your application. It is also important to note the different GCSE requirements of different vet schools - make sure that you meet their requirements, otherwise you will risk getting filtered out of the application process at an early stage.

Which GCSE subjects are required?

All nine vet schools require English Language, Maths & Science. Dual Science is sufficient, so if you have other subjects you wish to study at GCSE rather than Triple Science we would encourage that. However, students sometimes find that Triple Science GCSE sets them up quite well for A Levels and makes the step-up a little easier.

GCSE Grade Requirements by Vet School

The table below summarises the individual requirements of the different vet schools for 2021 entry. Do make sure that you do your own research on the different universities and their requirements in addition to this by checking the websites, and you may also use our Universities Guide.

GCSE Grade Requirements by Vet School - Table

Applying to Vet School with Low GCSE Grades

As you can see from the table above, the GCSE requirements vary significantly between vet schools - if you didn’t achieve the GCSE grades you hoped for but are predicted to do well in your A Levels then you may well still be in with a good chance of a successful vet school application. Harper & Keele Veterinary School has particularly low requirements. Bristol, Glasgow and Edinburgh are also quite lenient with their GCSE requirements so these could all be good choices for if you’re in this position.


Written by Dr. Rebecca & the BecomeAVet Team

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